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People in Australia's aged care workforce

Almost a quarter of a million people are employed as direct care providers in Australia’s aged care sector. The National Aged Care Workforce Census and Survey (NACWCS) explores the characteristics of this workforce.

The NACWCS is released by the Department of Health every four years presenting findings about the aged care workforce in Australia.

On this page you can explore key findings about people working in Australia’s aged care sector. The data about the language spoken by the workforce within a service come from the census of services. All other data on this page were provided as survey responses by people working in aged care.

AH = allied health professional; CCW = community care worker; EN = enrolled nurse; NP = nurse practitioner; PCA = personal care attendant; RN = registered nurse.

An interactive dashboard shows data about linguistic diversity, age, work-related injuries, self-assessed health status, reports of time spent caring for people and reports of unusual job demands in Australia’s aged care workforce. The data are available in pdf format on GEN. The pdf can be found resources section of GEN, selecting reports and publications, and then selecting the item called The aged care workforce, 2016.

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