Older people leaving hospital: a statistical overview of the Transition Care Program in 2008–09
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
01 June 2011
Associated data related to the report ‘Older people leaving hospital: a statistical overview of the Transition Care Program in 2008–09’. They provide supplementary information to the report which presents key statistics on the characteristics and services provided to older people who are eligible for residential aged care directly after discharge from hospital during 2008–9.
Data links and downloads
All transition care recipients 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009
(Data cube)
All transition care services 30 June 2009
(Data cube)
All transition care separations 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009
(Data cube)
All transition care admissions 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009
(Data cube)
Older people leaving hospital: a statistical overview of the Transition Care Program in 2008–09, Figures 1–21
(XLS, 312 KB)
Older people leaving hospital: a statistical overview of the Transition Care Program in 2008–09, Supplementary Tables 1–15
(XLS, 128 KB)
Older people leaving hospital: a statistical overview of the Transition Care Program in 2008–09, Tables in publication
(XLS, 182 KB)