Aged care packages in the community 2010–11: a statistical overview
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
18 September 2012
Associated data related to the report ‘Aged care packages in the community 2010–11’. They provide supplementary information to the report which describes the key characteristics of services and recipients receiving aged care packages in the community during 2010–11 and also looks at the distribution of services relative to the needs of the population.
Data links and downloads
All admissions to CACP, EACH and EACHD 2010–2011
(Data cube)
All separations from CACP, EACH and EACHD 2010–2011
(Data cube)
CACP, EACH, EACHD recipients at 30 June 2011
(Data cube)
Services and packages at 30 June 2011
(Data cube)
CACP, EACH and EACHD services and packages at 30 June 2011 Supporting Tables
(XLS 696 KB)
CACP, EACH and EACHD recipients at 30 June 2011 Supporting Tables
(XLS, 2.6MB)
CACP, EACH and EACHD recipients at 30 June 2011 Supporting Tables (part 2)
(XLS, 184 KB)
All admissions and separations for CACP, EACH and EACHD, 2010–2011
(XLS, 833 KB)