Residential aged care in Australia 2010-11: a statistical overview
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
25 September 2012
Associated data related to the report ‘Residential aged care in Australia 2010–11’. They provide supplementary information to the report which provides comprehensive statistical information on residential aged care facilities, their residents, admissions and separations, and residents' dependency levels during 2010–11.
Data links and downloads
ACFI data for residential care admissions 2010–11
(Data cube)
ACFI data for permanent residents at 30 June 2011
(Data cube)
ACFI data for separations from residential care 2010–11
(Data cube)
All admissions 2010–11, respite and permanent residents
(Data cube)
All permanent and respite separations from residential care 2010–11
(Data cube)
Last admissions to residential care 2010–11
(Data cube)
Last separations from residential care 2010-11
(Data cube)
Permanent residents in residential care at 30 June 2011
(Data cube)
Residential care services and places at 30 June 2011
(Data cube)
Residential care services and places at 30 June 2011
(XLS, 558 KB)
People using residential aged care at 30 June 2011
(XLS, 15.4 MB)
Admissions and separations in residential care 2010–11
(XLS, 2.7 MB)
ACFI for residents at 30 June 2011
(XLS, 976 KB)
Australian population by age group and sex at 30 June 2011
(XLS, 90 KB)