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GEN data: People using aged care by region

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
08 July 2024

Summary tables with counts of people using home support, home care (by care level), residential care (permanent and respite) and flexible care (transition care and short-term restorative care) by geographic region.

Counts are reported by Local Government Area (LGA), Statistical Area Level 3 (SA3), Aged Care Planning Region (ACPR), Primary Health Network (PHN) and Modified Monash Model (MMM) based on recipient location (home support and home care) or service location (home care, residential care and flexible care).

These tables complement the People using aged care topic and My aged care region dashboard, and are updated annually.


  • 10/12/2024 – In 'People using home care by recipient location, 30 June 2023' published on 08 July 2024, the contents sheet incorrectly stated Table 2.1’s LGA year as 2023 and SA3 year as 2021. They have been replaced with the correct LGA (2019) and SA3 (2016). This correction does not impact the data.
  • 14/02/2025 – The correct file for 'People using home care by service location, 30 June 2023' published on 08 July 2024 has been uploaded.