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Interfaces between the aged care and health systems in Australia

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
09 June 2021
Interfaces between the aged care and health systems in Australia

People using aged care also use health care services. These reports present results from a project that linked data across aged care and health care services, and will provide information for:

  • The first results of this project (published November 2019)
  • General practitioner use by people living in permanent residential aged care 2012–13 to 2016–17 (published September 2020)
  • Movements between aged care and hospital 2016–17 (published September 2020)
  • Where do older Australians die? (published June 2021)
These reports examine how people’s use of GPs and specialists, patterns of prescriptions dispensed to them, and their hospital use can vary with use of aged care.